BoHo Beautiful in 10 Days review

Boho Beautiful In 10 Days Review

Have you ever tried at least one of their classes? Are you wondering how they are?

OK, let’s see together.

I have to admit, BoHo Beautiful is my favorite channel when it’s about yoga and Pilates. I discover their YouTube channel 3 years back and since then I’m addicted to their classes.

I was practicing yoga and Pilates to a studio, but the time constraints made me practice at home. I really like to practice on my own time and space.

The guys behind BoHo Beautiful released two programs and in today’s article I’ll review ‘BoHo Beautiful in 10 Days’ program.

BoHo Beautiful Summary

Program name: BoHo Beautiful In 10 Days

Founders: Juliana and Mark Spicoluk

Product Type: Health

Price: $89.99 (Digital Files and eBook/ 5 DVDs and Book)

Best for: People who want to start changing their mind and body transformation adopting a healthy lifestyle

Rating: 100/100

Recommended: YES

Who Are The Faces Behind BoHo Beautiful?

Two are the faces behind BoHo Beautiful: Juliana and Mark, husband and wife.

As stated on their website: source –

Juliana has been a yoga, Pilates and fitness instructor for over 8 years. Her journey began after her
rehabilitation from a serious back injury due to her athletic career. She was a rhythmic gymnast that had immigrated from Ukraine to Canada at the age of 10. With much success representing Canada the intensity of her training unfortunately took its toll, Juliana suffered a severe spinal injury. Going through a difficult transition and recovery Juliana reached out to Pilates and yoga to bring herself back to health. It was a perfect match.

Before starting Boho Beautiful with her husband Mark, she ran her own private training business, as well as worked for Equinox Fitness and a handful of yoga studios in Toronto, Canada. But it was once she completed her studies in Costa Rica that it all began. Mark had come to meet up with her after her training, and little did they know it was the spark they both needed. To begin the real journey of seeking self-growth, a new life balance, and giving back.

Mark began a career in music as a teenager when he started his own record label and began touring as
an artist in different bands. His passion for music fuelled him to not only independently release records and tour in his own punk rock band, but also to play bass and tour with artists internationally. At the same time that he was performing and recording music for himself, his record label eventually grew to a size which launched Mark into the music industry where he found a successful career scouting, helping to develop, and launching dozens of artist’s careers. While surrounded by “success” Mark felt something was out of place and suspected his path needed to be shifted back.

Then within months after meeting Juliana he did the one thing nobody expected: He walked away from it all… This created the space necessary for the two of them to figure out how to begin a new journey. One of self-care, awakening, and the search for a new and deeper purpose.”

What Is BoHo Beautiful In 10 Days?

The program consists of 40 videos, 10 hours in total of yoga, fitness and meditation.

The program is structured such as you have 1 hour daily practice.

The program includes a healthy plant based eating plan. You can purchase the program as digital files and eBook or physical package of 5 DVDs and Book.

Each day has a class introduction, fitness workout, yoga session and guided meditation.

How Does The Program Work?

10 days including 1 welcome program video, 9 fitness classes, 9 yoga classes, 10 guided meditations, 10 daily introduction videos, 1 closing program video

Daily Program – Day 1: Gratitude

Class introduction: Gratitude for the mind and body

Fitness workout: Weak up call fitness class

Yoga session: Strength and lengthen yoga flow

Guided meditation: Meditation for gratitude

Daily Program – Day 2: Surrender

Class introduction: Surrender to the process of your own personal journey

Fitness workout: Arm and legs fitness class

Yoga session: Yoga flow class

Guided meditation: Meditation for the present moment

Daily Program – Day 3: Visualize

Class introduction: Visualize where you and to be

Fitness workout: Extreme abs fitness class

Yoga session: Balanced soul yoga flow

Guided meditation: Meditation for strength and power

Daily Program – Day 4: Confidence

Class introduction: Confidence that you are worthy of your goals and desires

Fitness workout: Fat burning cardio extreme fitness class

Yoga session: Wind down yoga flow

Guided meditation: Meditation for courage

Daily Program – Day 5: Letting Go

Class introduction: Letting go to the things that no longer serves you

Yoga session: Yoga detox flow

Guided meditation: Meditation for letting go

Daily Program – Day 6: Courage

Class introduction: Courage to face change and embrace growth

Fitness workout: Backside sculpt fitness class

Yoga session: Hip opening Yoga flow

Guided meditation: Meditation for self empowerment

Daily Program – Day 7: Potential

Class introduction: Push the potential of your body and mind

Fitness workout: Arms and abs workout

Yoga session: Sunset Yoga flow

Guided meditation: Meditation for healthy nourishment

Daily Program – Day 8: Compassion

Class introduction: Compassion for others which are in their journey

Fitness workout: Cardio fitness class

Yoga session: De-stress Yoga flow

Guided meditation: Meditation for loving kindness

Daily Program – Day 9: Devotion

Class introduction: Devotion for your truth

Yoga session: Yogalates Yoga flow

Guided meditation: Meditation for self-expression

Daily Program – Day 10: Manifestation

Class introduction: Manifestation of the kind of life you want to live

Fitness workout: The summer boot camp fitness class

Yoga session: Wind down and stretch Yoga flow

Guided meditation: Meditation for manifestation

At I mentioned previously, the program is coming with a healthy plant based eating plan, shopping list, nutritional info, personal stories and recipes.

What I Like About The Program?

As in their disclaimer, this program is not a fix or an overnight transformation but opening a for you to new habits and healthier life.

Since I used the program I notice changes in my body, more flexibility, feeling energized, relaxed after meditation sessions and I practice daily.

As I also eat a plant based diet, this program combine with their recipes works perfectly hand in hand. It’s something for my soul.

All three are a perfect combination and you can redo the program, no restrictions.

The places where the video where shooted are breath taking, making you wish to be there and practice with Juliana shoulder to shoulder.

Some of you could feel sweaty by the end of the workout even if you practice in a regular basis.

The background music, Juliana’s voice and the practice are a perfect combination and you will just feel the eager to continue.

What I Do Not Like About The Program?

It gives addiction 🙂

There is nothing that you could possible not like about the program. I do not get any discounts or other type of bonuses, I just express my appreciation for the two of them. The results which I’ve got are the result of following their workouts.

Satisfied Customers

They are in the market for quite a while and I found positive reviews


You have an easy program which perfectly combines yoga, fitness and meditation. To fully benefit of the program, a plant based diet plan is coming along with the program.

To conclude:

  • 10 days of yoga, fitness, meditation and plant based diet plan
  • 1 welcome program video
  • 9 fitness classes
  • 9 yoga classes
  • 10 guided meditations
  • 10 daily introduction videos
  • 1 closing program video
  • Day 1 – Gratitude
  • Day 2 – Surrender
  • Day 3 – Visualize
  • Day 4 – Confidence
  • Day 5 – Letting go
  • Day 6 – Courage
  • Day 7 – Potential
  • Day 8 – Compassion
  • Day 9 – Devotion
  • Day 10 – Manifestation
  • 165 pages of healthy plant based diet plan

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About the Author


I have always been interested in living a healthy life.

I believe in the power of nature, the power of the plants which were given to us. Hiking, running, yoga, Pilates and meditation are the tools which keep me in shape and provide a state of well-being.

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  1. Thanks for the review. My sister is on a plant based diet and she has lost a lot of weight too! I do meditation everyday and I feel the difference in my life . Overall the program looks very interesting! I would love to lose a little weight too after having children!

    1. You’re welcome Priya. I do recommend it, I practice yoga, Pilates and mediation using the BoHo Beautiful workouts for about couple of years. I improved my flexibility and with the help of yoga I solved my stiffness and the pain caused by sciatica.

      Stay healthy!

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