Weight loss phone apps

Weight loss phone apps – free for your use

I think for many of us losing weight is on the top of our things to do on the list. In our tech era there are weight loss phone apps available.

Your phone will help you to lose weight. Sounds weird, right?

Most of the iPhone and Android phones have sensors to monitor and register you physical activity, so you do not need to buy another device to measure it.

Today I will share with you some free apps which will help in your weight loss journey, without paying gym subscriptions and a nutritionist.

Lose It

This is a free application for iOS and Android. This application has a website and you can track your activity from a computer as well.

With the help of the application, you can create a personalized weight loss plan and define your goals.

You can connect with other users, track the burned calories and find nutritional information about different aliments.

You can connect with KeepRunner and Nike+.


Same like Lose It, Pact is a free mobile application helping you to lose weight available for iOS and Android.

The main idea, is to make a ‘pact’ with yourself against a bait, in this case money amount, with the goal to reach some points.

In other words: exercise and eat healthy – earn money; you are lazy – pay.

And you know what? You can win money with this application with the condition to fulfill your missions. Do not expect to get rich, we are talking about $0.3 to $5 per week.

The application change its name form GymPact to Pact. Pact will monitor your gym workout and will ask you to bet on an amount of money and challenging you to exercise.

If you go to the gym, you will receive bonuses from both your money and from those of users who did not go.

If you skip over a gym scheduled class, your money will go to those who are able to keep their promise with the app.

The same application can help you eat healthier. The same concept applies to a diet.

You set an objective (to become vegetarian, or to take 3 meals a day), and record what you eat.

To keep up with your objective diet, you have bet on a small amount of money. If you succeed, you will multiply them at the end of the week, otherwise you will be left without a part of them.


This free application is available on both iOS and Android platforms, WindowsPhone and Blackberry.

It includes access to millions of foods in a database, so it’s easy to enter your consumed foods to determine their calorie count. You obviously have a personalized profile that allows you to set goals, both in terms of diet and exercise.

It connects with applications and accessories such as FitBit, Withings, Runtastic, Endomondo, Jawbone UP, Pact, even for Apple Watch.

What you can do with this application?

  • Counting calories or proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fibers, etc.
  • Planning meals before preparing or ordering them. This plan makes it possible to change choices to achieve personal goals.
  • Print your plan and share it with your physician.
  • Tracking habits related to liquids (both non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages). Here are 3 interesting habits: drinking water (usually too less), drinking juices and soft drinks, and drinking alcohol. Even if some soft drinks have artificial sweeteners, sometimes the sodium contained in them may be a health risk if they are not consumed with moderation.

Diet Hero

If you do not want to count the calories or you think is too annoying, Diet Hero app will help you to plan smartly your meals.

Enter the food which you like and the application will tell you how much to consume and how to use them.

If you do not like the suggestion, just skip it and you can request a new suggestion.

7 Minutes Workout

This application is available in iOS and Android.

The application suggests a set of exercises, it offers images and written explanations and you can practice whenever you have time: in the morning before starting your journey to office or in the evening.

These are very good exercises perfect to do them at home.

The application will count your set of exercises and it will help you to better organize your daily exercises.

This application works many muscle groups. Each exercise should be done in 30 seconds and a friendly voice is telling you when you take some break for relaxation and hydration.

You do not need internet access to open the application.

You can do the exercises with your favorite music in background, just select what you like.

The number of the consumed calories is available permanently.

Daily Yoga

Planning to lose some weight and release stress? Try Daily Yoga.

It’s an application which will teach you the most important yoga poses group on different difficulty levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced.

The application provides a playlist perfect suited with your workout.

Diet Point Weight Loss

Diet Point Weight Loss aims to help you by choosing the weight loss program that is right for you.

The application provides details of over 130 diets in different categories, complete with detailed shopping lists and even meal plans.

Moreover, Diet Point Weight Loss announces you when it’s time to eat, so respecting the daily 3 meals a day and two snacks.


Fooducate is an application that helps you buy and consume healthy foods, allowing you to quickly check for nutritional information about your desired products by scanning the bar code.

The application provides a note from A-D (n.r 10-1), along with a brief summary of nutritional information, using simple and easy to understand language.

If you want to eat cooked food or eat in town, you can manually enter nutrition information.

In addition, the application provides you with more alternative food suggestions and exercise for the number of calories you consume.

This application is free to use.


I know that are many free available mobile apps in AppStore and GooglePlay. Today I selected couple of them, the ones which I have used and using.

If you enjoyed this review and if you have any questions or want to leave your own comment, please use the comments section below.

Which is your favorite app?

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About the Author


I have always been interested in living a healthy life.

I believe in the power of nature, the power of the plants which were given to us. Hiking, running, yoga, Pilates and meditation are the tools which keep me in shape and provide a state of well-being.

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  1. Hello! Weight loss is the most difficult thing to achieve… especially if you like food ^_^
    Personally, the app I like the most is the 7 minutes workout… It’s easier for me to workout then to say no to lasagna 😀
    Plus, working out is always a good thing.
    To eat healthier I’d need an app that blocks my jaws LOL, because sometimes you really need a little junk food 🙁


    1. Hi Arianna,

      I also like the 7 minute workout app. We need discipline to get into a healthy diet and I say yes to lasagna, but the vegan version 🙂
      Thanks for your comment.

      Stay healthy!

  2. Wow these are a LOT of great aps. I am going to have to do a little research and see which one I like the best. I like the idea of a free app for sure. You have given me a LOT of choices. Thanks!

    1. You’re welcome! Let me know which one you like most. My favorite is 7 minute workout.
      Thank you for your comment.

      Stay healthy!

  3. Thanks so much for the information about these apps. I will have to try one soon. I do have an app on my phone to track my weight and food, but it is not any of the ones you mentioned.


    1. You’re welcome, Cristy.

      I’m glad that you will try on of the mentioned apps. My favorite is ‘7 minute workout’. Do let me know what will be your.

      Stay healthy!

  4. Great Content. I personally use Run keeper. works really fine for me. I’m a bit lazy and I like food and restaurants i bit too much, so it’s important for me to be reminded to do my running or work out. Also my goals help a a lot.


    1. Hi Johnny,

      Thank you for your comment. I use Run keep only for walks. I’m glad to hear that you have goals when it’s about health.

      Stay healthy!

  5. Great tips Dany! I have used an app called my fat secret (I think it calles just fat secret these days..) for counting calories. All these apps are great when you are learning new habits. The keep you on the goal and give you data so you can evaluate how you are doing. Most people fail in losing weight because they lack the basic skill of evaluating the amount of energy they are consuming and burning. I have no real trouble losing weight and burning fat these days without using apps, intermittent fasting has really helped. Now if I just managed to keep the fat off when done with a cut….

    1. You’re welcome, Jukka. I’m glad that you find useful info.
      I’m not aware about the ‘my fat secret’ app. I also go out for a jog with the training watch, because I do not feel all the time the urge to keep counting the workout.

      Stay healthy!

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