Leslie Sansone the creator of Walk at home programs

Leslie Sansone Walk At Home – Review

Walking is the cheapest and efficient way to use when it’s about losing weight.

I do not know how many of you heard about Leslie Sansone Walk At Home programs and used them. Usually in the long, cold winter days I have used her programs.

I also run or walk on the treadmill, but her programs have some cardio sessions and you will get warm.

When I heard first time about a walking DVD, I thought somebody is making fun of me and I laughed. After I tried it, I have changed my opinion.

Leslie Sansone Summary – Walk At Home program

Program name: Walk At Home

Founders: Leslie Sansone

Product Type: Health & Fitness

Price: $12.95 – $39.95 (DVD or download) – on official website. The retailers can offer a different price.

Best for: People who want to lose weight

Rating: 100/100

Recommended: YES

Who is Leslie Sansone?

Leslie in a fitness expert and the ‘Walk at home’ fitness program creator. She began teaching fitness classes around ’80s. Not all the persons were able to keep up with an alert pace, so she developed a walking program which can be taken by a wide range of people.

From filming one class by a friend to building a TV and walking at home program, the step was small.

The programs are such as everybody can do it.

She has 8 fitness certifications, by the year of 2013, including one from ‘The American College of Sports Medicine’.

She is an active contributor of ‘American Heart Association’ and ‘American Diabitic Association’ organizations.

What Is Walk At Home?

Walk at home programs are developed such as to be accessible and help people with different levels of fitness and age who want to lose weight, get in shape and build muscle.

The programs are developed on different speeds and are walking based, but some core exercises are incorporated.

The programs are designed for beginner and advance level.

How Does The Program Work?

All the ‘Walk at home’ programs have the following features:

– warming up

– choose between 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mile

– cool down

– stretch

Some programs use a resistance band or hand weights.

The programs have simple routines to follow.

Some programs:

Miracle Miles

Difficulty: All

Miles: 1 – 5

It includes:

– the 1 Mile, 2 Mile, 3 Mile, 4 Mile and 5 Mile complete DVD

– 1 year calendar walking workouts

– 7 Day Quick Start Walk and Meal Plan

– Resistance band

5K With a Twist

Difficulty: Intermediate

Miles: 3

Time: 45 minutes

It includes:

– warming up

– choose between 1, 2 and 3 mile

– cool down

– stretch

The Big Burn

Difficulty: Intermediate

Miles: 2

Time: 33 minutes

2 Mile workout including walks and jog intervals.

The Burn To The Beat! Walk!

Difficulty: All levels

Miles: 3

Time: 75 minutes

The workout is design around of a music beat, taking you from a starter speed to a super walk speed.

The workout starts with 20 minutes walk at 3mph walk speed. This is called ‘EASY BEAT MILE’.

Move to ‘BRISK BEAT MILE’ which is a 15 minutes walk at 4mph speed.

Last one is ‘SUPER BEAT MILE’ which is a 12 minutes walk at 5mph speed.

Bonus material: a workout to tone your arms and tights, sculpt your waistline, strength your core muscles.

5 Boosted Miles

Difficulty: All levels

Miles: 5

Time: 66 minutes

It’s recommended to start with the bonus session which includes the Top 10 Walk Moves and how to boost each one.

Walk Down Your Blood Sugar

Difficulty: Beginner

Miles: 2

Time: 40 minutes

Power Walk With Friends

Difficulty: Intermediate

Miles: 2

Time: 30 minutes

Walking Off The Pounds

Difficulty: All levels

Miles: 3

Time: 66 minutes

Mile 1 – start with a warm up

Mile 2 – increase the speed to burn calories and sculpt the muscles of the lower body

Mile 3 – walks with added short boosts of energy. This level includes exercises to tone your arms, chest muscles and back muscles

Bonus material: design to strength the abs and back, shape the waistline.

Ultimate 5 Day Wlaking Program

Difficulty: Intermediate/Advanced

Miles: can choose between 1 and 5

Time: 91 minutes

The program is designed for a week as follows:

Monday: 3 Mile Walk + Ab Session,

Tuesday: 4 Mile Walk + Arm Session,

Wednesday: 1 Mile Walk + Leg Session,

Thursday: 2 Mile Walk + Chest & Back Session,

Friday: 5 Mile Walk + Full Body Stretch

Walk It Off in 30 Days

Difficulty: Intermediate/Advanced

Miles: 2 + firming session

Time: 65 minutes

This program is designed to walk 30 minute per day for 30 days.

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday you will burn calories. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday you will build strength on your muscles from shoulders to calves.

BURN 30 is a 30 minutes of cardio workout and it has all the ‘Walk at home’ program features (warm up, fast session, cool down and stretching).

FIRM 30 is a 30 minutes strength workout. You use dumbbells to work your arms, abs, lower body.

Belly Blasting Walk

Difficulty: Intermediate/Advanced

Miles: 2 + 2 floor sessions

Time: 53 minutes

The workout starts with 2 Fast Mile cardio walks and has exercises to work and strength the core muscles.

First floor session which is 10 minutes long includes core strengthening exercises that target abs and obliques. The next 10 minutes floor session targets the back and glutes.

How Many Calories You Burn With Leslie Sansone programs?

The number of calories burn depends on various factors as: age, weight, gender and intensity level. Although you can expect to burn between 100 and 150 calories for each walked mile.

Leslie’s workout include moves like side-steeping, high-knees walking, kicking which add more intensity and calories burn.

With the booster programs, you can expect to burn about 125 to 150 calories for each walked mile.

What I Like About The Program?

The program it’s easy to follow, you can practice at home in your own time and when you have free time.

No travel back and forth to a gym, no time spent in traffic or other constraints.

The variety of workouts gives you the possibility to choose the one which you like most.

I also like that bonus materials are provided and you can work to strength your core muscles, work you upper or lower body.

I like the programs because you have the feeling that you exercise with Leslie in the same room, the programs are vivid and feel energize by the end of the workout.

Personally, I have tried the 1 Mile, 3 Mile and 5 Mile programs.

What I Do Not Like About The Program?

There is nothing to dislike, only the sweat after a good workout 🙂


Leslie has created several DVDs, books and workout soundtracks over the years.

Her weight loss workouts include “Weight Loss Walk,” “Walk Away the Pounds,” “Walk at Home,” “Walk the Walk,” “Walking for Everybody” and “Walk Slim.”

The workouts are affordable for all levels and ages. You can choose between 1 to 5 miles depending on your fitness level.

Some intermediate and advance workouts include jogging or boost walking sessions helping you to burn more calories and lose weight.

Leslie used hand weights, resistance bands and dumbbells for extra benefits.


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About the Author


I have always been interested in living a healthy life.

I believe in the power of nature, the power of the plants which were given to us. Hiking, running, yoga, Pilates and meditation are the tools which keep me in shape and provide a state of well-being.

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  1. This seems like it would be a great option for people just starting to work out, it seems like it would be really low stress on your joints! Just getting up and getting moving is the most important step.

    1. It’s a great option, I tried myself. I still practice and I enjoy it each time.

      Indeed, the joints are not stressed as it’s a gentle workout.

      Stay healthy!

  2. I really want to lose weight with resistance bands however I wonder I do intermittent fasting and what would be the ideal time for me to do this program?

    1. The programs are very easy and they are not stressing your joint. The exercises are designed from a slow tempo to a high one and back to the initial tempo.
      If you talk about the usual fasting (no diary and meat products), the programs are doable.

      Stay heathy!

  3. This is such a detailed review on Leslie Sansone weight loss and keeping belly in shape program. You’ve indicated not only the usefulness of the program but also the price tag that comes as $12.95 – $39.95.

    The proof is your inclusion of all the DVD demos that come in different phases for the whole year.

    That was a good read with your 100% recommendation which I believe will have a far reaching impact and also, I sincerely encourage every reader willing to lose weight through walking to go for it.

    Wishing you all the best.

    1. Thank you for your comment 🙂
      I also use the programs, combine them and I can see really nice results. The workouts are easy and very comfy doing at home.

      Stay healthy!

  4. I received an MP3 player from Weight Watchers last year of Leslie Sansone’s Walk at home 4gb. I absolutely love it I walk outside 3 to 4 times a week with it. I’m very upset because I lost the charger for it. Does anyone know where I can get a replacement charger?

    1. I’m glad you enjoy Leslie’s walks, but unfortunately I cannot help with the replacement. I don’t have any info about it.

      Stay healthy!

  5. Mene aaj se start kiya hai mene 5 k with twist kiya

    Kya me 5k with twist daily kar sakti hu

    1. Hi there! So great that you did 5k, congrats! I also enjoy the longest trainings. When about doing 5k daily, I think it depends on your goals. If you want to lose weight, do them 4 or 5 times per week, but if you want to keep up in shape, do them 3 or 4 times per week.

      Thanks for your comment!

      Stay healthy!

  6. I agree 100% with doing regular walking to improve your general health and live a productive and happy life. But you have to put personal sacrifices and some changes in your life style and make these commitments your life time endeavor. I was a heavy drinker and chain cigarette smoker for more than 40 years and realized it a hazard to my life. I was 33 years old when I decided to do something good and not waste my life. I then started to brisk walk and jog when I was a EENT medical resident up to now. 58 years have passed and I still walk regularly, oftentimes joining the walk a mile by Leslie on tv when the weather does not allow outside walks. More power to the Walk a Mile founder.

    1. Hi there, I totally agree, personal dedication and changes are a must if you want to see results.I also walk virtually with Leslie when the weather is gloomy 🙂

      Thanks for your comment!

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