My Top 3 Best Ketone Test Strips

Best Ketone Strips

The Internet is an excellent and handy resource for finding everything you need including the Ketogenic (keto) diet. Today I want to talk about keto and ketosis from my perspective. What is the Keto diet? Probably you know the definition, and there is mine. A ketogenic diet (keto) is a very low carbohydrate diet that turns the body into a fat burning machine. It contributes to weight loss, to maintaining health, but also to increase physical performance indices, but it also has some side effects in the first few weeks.

A keto diet is specially designed to induce ketosis. Ketosis is the normal metabolic process by which the body decomposes fat to obtain energy. But how do you know if and when you are in ketosis? There are some signs you’ll notice in your body. One way is using the ketone strips, but what are the best ketone strips?

Perfect Keto Ketone Testing Strips by Perfect Keto

Perfect Keto Ketone

Product Name: Perfect Keto Ketone Testing Strips

What is it for: Ketosis test strips

Where to buy the product: Click HERE To Buy The Product

My rating: 9.5 out of 10

How to use the strips?

The package contains 100 strips with 6 months period of validity after opening. The default color is a light beige which will change the color in contact with urine.

Dip one strip in a urinary sample cup or direct on the stream, wait for 40 seconds to get the result and compare the color from the strip with the ones on the bottle.

The strips can be used by the persons following the Atkins diet and Low Carb diets.

What are others saying about the product?

1. ‘These have been a lifesaver since it’s my first time doing keto. My biggest question is: How do I know they’re accurate? I’ve heard a lot of people saying sometimes strips aren’t accurate (not these but just in general). Here’s what I’ll say about these: the strips confirm other signs that make me believe I’m truly in ketosis.’

2. ‘These work so well! I started using these when I started my Keto diet and found them to be so helpful for newbies! With these test strips, you can figure out how your body reacts to foods you eat, what keeps you in Ketosis and what may move you out of it. I definitely feel that this is a must-have for any Keto newbies.’

3. ‘Purchased these because I believed that my other test strips were defective, once these arrived I tested myself, and within seconds the test strip changed colors. The colors are vibrant enough that you don’t have to try and figure out what level your strip matches. These are a must, and they keep me motivated.’

There are many great reviews, but not everyone is happy with the results. If you want to read more reviews, check the results page.

Ketone Strips by One Earth Health

One Earth Health Ketone Test Strips

Product Name: Keto Test Strips

What is it for: Ketosis test strips

Where to buy the product: Click HERE To Buy The Product

My rating: 9.5 out of 10

How to use the strips?

The package contains 150 strips with a 90 day period of validity after opening. Some persons use more than one strip per day so the 150 strips will go out before 90 days. The default color is a light beige which will change the color in contact with urine.

Dip one strip in a urinary sample cup or direct on the stream, wait for 40 seconds to get the result and compare the color from the strip with the ones on the bottle.

What are others saying about the product?

1. ‘These were the best deal I saw on test strips, and I love that they are made in the USA! I found the keto diet 6 months ago and have used these EVERY day to keep myself accountable. I have lost 60 pounds, and one of the things that helped me was having a routine. I made sure I tested with these test strips first thing EVERY morning. They are so accurate I can tell immediately from the clearly marked color matching chart on the side of the bottle if my little cheating was enough to kick me out of ketosis.’

2. ‘These are the strips that you should buy! Not only are they priced competitively but these are made in the USA and come with an e-book! The strips are high-quality, and being American made was my primary reason for purchase. They have a long expiration date too- an added bonus. The EXTRA eBook makes this the only brand you should buy. The book includes a scientific explanation of ketosis, the biology behind it, and how to get into ketosis easily. It also includes some amazing recipes!’

3. ‘I’ve been using these for about a year. They come with so many in the pack at such a reasonable price that it’s easy to check ketone levels throughout the day. Having that constant feedback has helped keep me aware of the foods I eat and has helped me stick to the fat burning diet. I’ve tried several brands of ketone strips, and they have all worked pretty much equally, but these are such a bargain it’s easy to recommend them as my favorite.’

There are many great reviews, but not everyone is happy with the results. If you want to read more reviews, check the results page.

Bonus: On each purchase, a FREE eBook is delivered by email. The eBook contains Intro to Ketones, diet trouble tips, 7-day meal plans, and recipes.

Ketone Strips by Nurse Hatty

Nurse Hatty Ketone Strips

Product Name: Keto Test Strips

What is it for: Ketosis test strips

Where to buy the product: Click HERE To Buy The Product

My rating: 9.5 out of 10

How to use the strips?

The package contains 150 strips with 3 months period of validity after opening. The default color is a light beige which will change the color in contact with urine.

Dip one strip in a urinary sample cup or direct on the stream, wait for 40 seconds to get the result and compare the color from the strip with the ones on the bottle.

Bonus: On each purchase, a FREE eBook is delivered by email.

  1. Keto Education Pack & Complete Guide to Ketosis for Newbies and Advanced Dieters
  2. Keto Food & Snack Exchange List
  3. Ketogenic Belly Fat Loss Diet
  4. 9-week 900 Calorie Diet
  5. Detox Diet
  6. Abdominal Bloat Diet
  7. UTI Diet
  8. pH Food Chart
  9. Ketone Script Product Insert

What are others saying about the product?

1. ‘I have purchased just the strips in the past, and sometimes I wondered just how accurate they were. Often I would expect to be in ketosis, but the strips would say no. With this new product, I no longer have to wonder. The solution will tell you if the strips are working correctly!! Use the solution every time or just when you’re unsure. Either way, a great product for the keto lifestyle! I tested the new strips alongside a strip with the solution on it for three days before writing this review. They consistently gave me results I expected.’

2. ‘The product works perfectly as described, but what really was impressive was the additional information that came with it and the follow-up emails (only two) with the chance to ask questions. All the information necessary to use for a ketogenic diet was provided in detail. I would highly recommend this product.’

3. ‘I purchased these ketone test strips for travel. I was looking for an accurate, quick test as sometimes it’s not very convenient to use my blood ketone meter. Things I love: the strips are longer than traditional strips I’ve used in the past…so awesome. I also live that there is a reagent test solution to test to see if there are duds, (tested a few and totally accurate) I tested them against my blood meter, and they are right on! The packaging is pretty cool and easy to read and open.’

There are many great reviews, but not everyone is happy with the results. If you want to read more reviews, check the results page.

I’m on ketosis. Am I in danger?

Ketosis induced by the “ketogenic” diet is different from diabetic ketoacidosis and does not present an immediate health hazard. On the contrary, it comes with advantages: fat burning, suppressing the hunger, slowing the growth of some tumors, mental clarity, adjusting blood glucose, etc. The state of ketosis is obtained by consuming a relatively large amount of fat under conditions of minimal carbohydrate consumption.

The ketogenic diet can also massively reduce blood sugar and insulin levels, and this combined with ketone gain will have countless health benefits.

Final Thoughts

The Keto diet has many benefits, and there are lots of useful resources available. The ketosis is not dangerous, and you can measure it with the test strips.

Have you used ketone test strips? Which brand do you use? What are your thoughts? I would like and appreciate hearing your opinion, just leave a comment in the comments section below.

Till next time, stay healthy!

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About the Author


I have always been interested in living a healthy life.

I believe in the power of nature, the power of the plants which were given to us. Hiking, running, yoga, Pilates and meditation are the tools which keep me in shape and provide a state of well-being.


  1. Perfect Keto Ketone Testing Strips by Perfect Keto sounds really like an essential and great product for a Ketone Test strips. I am happy that you gave a good rating for this, which means I should be expecting a good quality of product.

    Thank you co much for sharing this post and the product.

    1. You’re welcome, I’m glad you find it helpful. 

      Stay healthy!

  2. Being a health nut myself I’ve tried a few different diets. The Paleo Diet was interesting, and now I’m trying to see what results come from the Keto diet. 

    I never knew that there was any way to actually track how well the diet is doing though. This test strips should help a great deal with that. Thanks for actually providing some detailed background on the keto diet as it adds more clarity to what I already knew. 

    Anytime I do a diet I want to make sure I’m doing it in a healthy way. These strips should help me do just that! Thanks for the detailed review and the explanation on utilizing them in the proper way. 


    1. Hahaha, I like this ‘nut health’. My friends are calling me ‘health freak’. The Palo and Keto diets are different and it’s better to find the diet which suits you well and gives you the most in regards with your health.

      I know, I was like you when I first heard about the test strips and you’re welcome.

      I’m glad you find the article useful.

      Stay healthy!

  3. Hi,

    This is the first time I hear about Ketone test strips, I didn’t know there was a way to know how your body is working on a moment while you’re doing a diet.

    It makes quite interesting and it could help many dieters that are trying the Keto diet for the first time.

    Do you have a link to another article on your website, where I can read more about the Keto diet and how to start with it?

    Thank you for sharing this article.

    1. Hello,

      I’m glad you find it useful. I’m woking on an article about Keto diet, so stay tuned and you will find the answers of your questions you might have about Keto diet.

      You’re welcome and thank you for your comment.

      Stay healthy!

  4. Hello, 

    I like your page of weight guidance. I heard about Keto diets, but I never tried one and it’s the first time i hear about Ketone test strips. You have a good reviews about them so it should be easy to pick one, but otherwise I’m not really an expert. I like that you have on your website everything you would need to know or have if you wan’t to loose some weight.

    We’re in the world where everybody is on a diet, so I think you’ve chosen the right niche. 

    1. Hello there,

      Thank you, you are very kind. My website contains information and products which I’ve used and tried. Yes, we are all in the weight loss journey and I think health is the most important think a person can have and keep.

      Thank you for your comment.

      Stay healthy!

  5. Few weeks ago I I read about keto diet on one of your previous post and recommended it to a friend of mine who want’s to burn fat, she started her keto diet and said she doesn’t think it’s working for her, but I could tell the difference she couldn’t see. What keto test strip would you recommend for her since she doubts alot.

    1. I agree, the same diet give different results on each of us. What’s working for me, probably will not work for you. Your friend can try any of the recommended strips as I gave the same rating. 

      Maybe the Keto diet is not for her. I advice to consult her physician and do a set of analysis. Most probably she has to adopt a different path.

      Thank you for your comment.

      Stay healthy! 

  6. I don’t have a great deal of knowledge when it comes to keto dieting but this helps give me a better understanding of the results it can potentially bring. This is the first I’ve ever heard of using keto strips to check if you’re going through ketosis through your urine which is incredible technology. 

    I’ve read a few articles about the recipes that can be used for keto dieting. Definitely something I need to learn more about so I can try it one day.

    What are some benefits that ketosis has brought you?

    1. I advice you to read as much as possible and inform yourself before starting any kind of diet. Don’t forget that a set of analysis is required and consult your doctor. 

      Ketosis is also called the “fat burning mode” and occurs naturally during the night or during fasting. As you can see, it’s in our bodies. If you are interested to know more about Ketosis, I have an interesting article.

      Thank you for your comment.

      Stay healthy

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