Fighting with extra weight is perhaps one of the most demanding tasks, both psychologically and physically. And because each lady wants to get rid of at least a few extra pounds, I choose some of the most popular and effective best diet plans for weight loss. They have gained popularity through the results that most …
How to beat weight loss plateau in 5 steps
Did it happened to you do to do all you can to lose weight and the scale remains stuck on the same weight? Well, welcome to plateau phase? But how to beat weight loss plateau? Even following the best diet to lose weight, you will pass the plateau phase, period. Sometimes no matter what are …
Green juice recipes for weight loss easy to prepare
There are many possibilities to combine vegetables, fruits and greens to get a natural juice full of vitamins, minerals, fibers, antioxidants and many nutritive substance which you can drink every day. Let’s see some green juice recipes for weight loss. The best ingredients for a natural juice consumed on regular basis are ginger, lemon, apples, …
What is the 2 week diet about: a closer look
In my previous articles I share with you useful info about weight loss, but what is the 2 week diet about? The 2 Week Diet by Brian Flatt it’s a diet that claims to burn 4 to 8 kg in just 14 days. There is also The 3 Week Diet available which claims to lose …
Weight loss phone apps – free for your use
I think for many of us losing weight is on the top of our things to do on the list. In our tech era there are weight loss phone apps available. Your phone will help you to lose weight. Sounds weird, right? Most of the iPhone and Android phones have sensors to monitor and register …
Best running shoes 2018
How to choose your running shoes is a subject which I have touched in my article “Running athletic shoes – how to choose”. Today I will share with you the best running shoes 2018. First of all when you choose a new pair of running shoes you should ask yourself a couple of questions: 1. …
A diet plan to lose weight on the long run
There are so many invented and tested diets and it’s very hard to know which one can help you to get rid of the extra kilos. Many times you have to try the diet to see if it gets results or not. Besides lifestyle, the way how your metabolism works depends on the results. Before …
5k running plan for beginners in 9 weeks
If I’m gonna tell you that you will run 5k after 9 weeks, will you believe me? I hope your answer is yes, because with this simple 5k running plan for beginners which I’ll share with you, you will be amazed by yourself. What is about all this running? As I share with you in …
Natural fitness yoga mat – A personal review
Even if you are new into yoga or practice for a while, it’s important to keep in mind that your practice depends on your mat. Of course, there are other aspects to keep in mind, but the mat is your base as I mention in this article “Lose weight with yoga at home – a …
Running techniques for beginners in 3 steps
Finally, spring is here, at the moment when I write this article. And when spring is here, the weather invites you to go out more often for a walk or a jog. If you want learning and enjoy the run please follow me in this article where I will share some running techniques for beginners. …