As you probably know, I was suspected as having high blood pressure. If you are new to my website, maybe you would like to read ‘Foods that help reduce high blood pressure’ article.
From the ancient times, nature gave us solutions to solve our health issues. I always believe in the power of nature and I’ve searched for natural ways to reduce high blood pressure instead jumping on pills.
The natural remedies are efficient, cheap and without side effects.
Garlic, juniper berries, chicory or dill seed are few of the natural remedies you can use.
Salt is the first thing to cut when it’s about high blood pressure.
Curious to find out more? Great, let’s continue…
Hypertension is the most widespread disease of mankind, affecting about 20% of the adult population. For normalization of blood pressure, a long-term medication using natural medicine preparations with hypotensive, hypotonic, vasodilator, diuretic effects is used.
This disease consists of the permanent or accidental increase of blood pressure from the left ventricle to the arterial and venous system.
To establish the tension, a blood pressure tensiometer is used to measure two values:

– the systolic pressure taken at the time of the heart contraction and the passage of blood from the heart to the aorta, with normal values of 110-140 mm Hg
– diastolic tension, taken at the time of relaxation of the heart muscles, with normal values of 65-80 mm Hg.
Normal tension values may record different figures depending on factors such as age, gender, body weight, diet, type of physical or intellectual activity, stress and relaxation or emotion at the time of measurement. Above these values is considered the installation of hypertension.
I have had a 24h device which have recorded the values. When it had been taken off, the tension was established based on the recorded values by the device.
Main Causes of Hypertension
About 95% of cases of hypertension are due to increased peripheral vascular resistance to blood flow due to vasoconstriction, loss of arterial wall elasticity, or obstruction of arteries and vessels after cholesterol plaque deposition.
Add to this hereditary, congenital, renal, endocrine, diabetic causes. Other factors triggering hypertension are: faulty kidney function, atherosclerosis, obesity, pregnancy, excessive alcohol consumption, tobacco, sweets, coffee, black tea and salt, physical and intellectual efforts and even loud noises.
It is common to install hypertension in aggressive, impulsive individuals and with prolonged stressful states and strong emotions when a large amount of adrenaline is produced, which promotes increased tension.
When hypertension coexists with diabetes and high cholesterol, obesity, stress, and smoking, the risk of heart attacks and strokes increases several times.
In most cases, hypertension is often a condition without distinct manifestations. That’s why the disease is called the “silent killer.”
There are cases when hypertension manifests itself through headaches, especially in the morning, dizziness when getting up from bed, dizziness, intellectual fatigue, insomnia, irritability, night sweats, ringing in the ears, nose bleeds, the appearance of bright spots in your vision and the feeling of numb fingers.
An inappropriate untreated tension may be an important risk factor for your health as it often evolves into aggravating conditions, heart disease, heart failure, stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, coma and death.
To avoid hypertension and restore to normal values, a strict, quantitatively and qualitatively controlled diet, rich in fruits and vegetables and sodium-free is recommended
Every morning, on the empty stomach, drink lemonade made from the lemon juice of one lemon, sweetened with honey.

In the morning (before breakfast) and in the evening (before bedtime), one tablespoon of olive oil or sunflower will be consumed, with dietary effects against hypertension, by dissolving blood cholesterol and serum lipids.
It is recommended to consume garlic, onion, leek, lettuce, parsley, lemon, peas, beans (pods and grains), pepper, tomatoes, celery (roots and leaves rich in potassium to neutralize excess sodium), red beet, red cabbage, horseradish.
Recommended fresh fruits are pears, apples, watermelon, pumpkin, apricots, cherries, lemons, blueberries, gooseberries, strawberries, blackberries, black currant, sea buckthorn, bananas.
They ensure good functioning of the arteries through high content of fibers, vitamins and nutrients (K, Mg).
Eat a lot of garlic! No, no, it’s not to protect you against vampires.

Studies have shown that it reduces blood clotting too quickly and contains a substance called allicin that dilates blood vessels. In this way, garlic can lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
One clove of garlic per day is considered a natural treatment as effective as possible for patients. If you can not eat it, swallow it like pills with water.
To be honest, I prefer to smash it and form a paste (garlic sauce) from it. I use this paste on the top or mixed in food. I find it hard to swallow the clove, maybe it’s easier for you.
Omega-3 And Omega-6
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids lower cholesterol and the risk of depositing it on the arteries, which implicitly lowers blood pressure and prevents the formation of blood clots.
These acids are found in fish oil, nuts, flax seed, etc. If you always have high blood pressure, good oils like the ones just mentioned should not be missing from your diet.
Drink fresh pressed juice from celery leaves because it has vasodilatory effect, it’s diuretic, it’s reducing the cholesterol reduction effect and it’s known for its ability to lower blood pressure.
To prepare it, you need a handful of fresh leaves, place them in a blender and dilute with a little water. For additional flavor, add fresh carrot juice.
Chicory Tincture
Chicory tincture is a recommended remedy for those suffering from heart failure, palpitations and hypertension. Take a teaspoon twice a day for a month or two.
Also, if you are a coffee drinker, you could consider the chicory root drink, which has a lot of health benefits: it stimulates digestion, combats sleepiness, fatigue and asthenia, protects the liver and gall, but it does not contain caffeine to cause heart rhythm disturbances and tension increase.
In addition, it is full of vitamins and minerals, including potassium and magnesium, which lower the tension
Juniper Berries
The juniper berry is another suggestion for those who have high blood pressure. Start with four berries a day, taken in the morning, on the empty stomach, then daily increase the dose with a grain a day until you reach 15, then drop one grain a day until you get back to four.
During this time you do should not eat fried foods, red meat and semi-prepared foods. You can resume this cure after a break of at least one month.
The good part is that it decreases the appetite, being excellent in the losing weight diets.
The juniper berries contain vitamins C, B, flavonoids and volatile oils, being very good remedies for urinary infections, gastrointestinal infections, gout and rheumatism.
Dill Seeds
Dried dill seeds, mixed with a little honey, are also taken on the empty stomach when you wake up. One teaspoon a day is enough to keep your tension under control.

You can also use dill seed as an infusion (two tablespoons of 500 ml boiled water), from which you can have a cup before the main meals.
And if you enjoy the aromatherapy, a suggestion would be massages and baths with essential oils of thyme, rosemary, mint and sage, with beneficial effects on the mind and body.
Raw Almonds
One of my favorites. Thanks to the omega-3 fatty acids that have the ability to lower the cholesterol and improve heart function, a handful of raw almonds a day can help prevent high blood pressure.
I also take 4-5 raw almonds when I feel a stomach burn, which it seems to be the beginning of gastritis
Although they are a significant source of fat and calories, almonds will not make you fat. In fact, the fat in their composition is considered to be “beneficial”, so called good fats.
This is another favorite of mine.
Appreciated due to its high fiber content and essential nutrients, oats is another natural remedy with the ability to reduce blood pressure. If used regularly, oats can reduce blood pressure by up to 5%.
Bananas are one of the most important sources of potassium. Potassium is essential for adjusting the blood pressure.

High blood pressure is known as ‘the silent killer‘. Do not let it grow, go on time to do all the tests, don’t wait till it’s too late.
The causes are many and multiples, increased peripheral vascular resistance to blood flow due to vasoconstriction, loss of arterial wall elasticity, or obstruction of arteries and vessels after cholesterol plaque deposition, heredity, congenital, renal, endocrine, diabetic causes just to recap a few.
Never neglect the symptoms.
By adopting a healthy diet rich in potassium and low in sodium you can prevent and lower your blood pressure.
The varieties of fruits and vegetables are wide and you can easily make a tasteful meal.
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Thanks for this information. I have a family member with high-blood pressure, and it’s a constant concern. I will relay this information to him. I’m glad to know there are natural remedies to help combat this silent killer.
You’re welcome, Holly. I also have had issue with ‘silent killer’, but thanks to the natural remedies all is under control now.
Please do share with him and let me know about the results.
Stay healthy!
Hi there, this was such a fantastic post for me to read. My uncle was admitted into hospital recently. His dog jumped up on him and gave him a nose bleed, which was apparently like a waterfall for ages, so he went to the hospital. This information that you have provided is really useful. I will be sharing it with other members of the family who will be going up to visit him this weekend. Hopefully they will introduce him to some of these ideas. Thank you for sharing. All the best.
Hi Catherine and thank you for your kind words. I know, we also have had a case in our family with same nose bleeding like a waterfall. Unfortunately, the guy when on pills to lower the blood pressure and I was not able to convince him to give it a try to natural remedies.
Please do share this info with whom you think can benefit and let me know about the results.
Stay healthy!
I am huge on natural remedies and didn’t know how many options there were to help reduce high blood pressure! I have a lemon tree in my back yard, but never thought of making lemonade with honey. Honey in itself is amazing for you, so now I can reap even more benefits!
I have been juicing carrots forever, do you think I can add celery to my juicer as well?
Thank you for such an informative post!
Huge fan as well of natural remedies.
This is a great combination: carrot and celery. The juice obtained is good to regenerate your skin. The celery juice itself is the best detoxifier for the body.
The lemons have many benefits, so you are happy to have one.
Thanks and I’m glad you find the article helpful.
Stay healthy!
Great content with a variety of ways to deal with high blood pressure and I love that you focus on the natural ways. Like yourself I am not a lover of running to pills for cures so good for you for producing such a beneficial healthy remedies ‘thumbs up’ 🙂
Thank you, Serina. I’m glad you find it useful.
Stay healthy!