aerobic exercises are good for weight loss

Why Aerobic Exercises Are Good For Weight Loss?

Together with a healthy diet, the regular psychical exercises are the key to a successful and healthy weight loss. The most handy are the aerobic exercises for weight loss. If you want to lose weight and tone your muscles let’s find out together about the aerobic exercises and their benefits. Table Of Contents 1. What Are …

My Top 3 Best Ketone Test Strips

Best Ketone Strips

The Internet is an excellent and handy resource for finding everything you need including the Ketogenic (keto) diet. Today I want to talk about keto and ketosis from my perspective. What is the Keto diet? Probably you know the definition, and there is mine. A ketogenic diet (keto) is a very low carbohydrate diet that …

Ketosis For Weight Loss

Ketosis For Weight Loss

Perhaps you’ve ever wondered what the difference between people who can eat as much without gaining weight and those who are getting fat is? Have you read simpler or more complex theories about these differences, from the psychological-motivational ones (if you really want to) to the ones about the genetic influence (it’s written in your …

Sweet Sweat Waist Trimmer belt

Sweet Sweat Waist Trimmer Belt Review

Today I’ll talk about a product to help you with your weight loss journey. It’s about the Sweet Sweat Waist Trimmer Belt product, and I’ll detail my personal experience which to help you decide if it’s the best solution for you as well.  If you do a simple search, you will get lots of results …

My Top 5 weight loss books

Top 5 Weight Loss Books

We are all fed up with all the commercials about pills and products for weight loss, sometimes do not inspire trust but with the promise of a rapid weight loss, right? Maybe you are one of those who purchased and tried the product, and you were disappointed or in some worse case, left with health …

Best Herbal Teas For Weight Loss

Best Herbal Teas For Weight Loss

The weight loss teas help purify the body, eliminating the toxins accumulated, and water excess. When you plan to keep a diet, it is good practice to include in the daily diet the best herbal teas for weight loss. The weight loss teas can be consumed after heavy meals to help your body digest easier …

Weight Loss Product To Avoid

Weight Loss Products To Avoid

There are weight loss products which are safe and no harmful for your body as well as weight loss products to avoid. Today I will talk about the products to avoid. There is no magic pill or remedy to help you get rid of extra weight, but the plant-based products can stimulate the weight loss. …